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Pinecone Paste

100% Natural ingredients and delicious taste!
Our Pine Cone Paste contains special ingredients. H issues an antioxidant and antibacterial activities and provides you with necessary minerals .. 

It provides rapid and lasting recovery from illnesses such as coughing , shortness of breath , smoking - related lung problems , asthma and bronchitis .

Pine cone has been used as a raw material in many medicines for years.
According to reports in scientific research, pine cone helps to clean the lungs, remove tar, smokers immediately experience the effect.
Pine cone paste eliminates the harm of toxic fumes

“Today, many doctors argue that if people regularly consume pinecone oil, they are less likely to get sick”

Pine Cone, Pine Gum, Turmeric, Ginger, Galangal, Clove, Cava, Beta Glucan, Zinc Gluconate, Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), Ascorbic Acid, (Vitamin C), Locust Bean Powder, Andiz Molasses, Locust Bean Molasses, Mint.

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Pinecone Pasta

Supplement Awards 2021

Our Pine Cone Paste is a 100% natural complementary food supplement made from pine cones with no additives added. The active ingredient Alpha-Pineen increases your oxygen capacity, reduces coughing symptoms, strengthens immunity and makes you feel fitter and more energetic.

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Pine Cone Paste, which contains alpha-pinene,

helps increase the oxygen capacity of your lungs. It makes your immune system stronger, and also makes you mentally and physically fitter and more energetic.

Contents of our Pine Cone Paste are designed in accordance with the needs of all persons aged 4 years and older.

Thanks to the flavonoids, it has anti-inflammatory properties and makes your body more resistant to infections and colds.

The best effect is achieved when taking 2 scoops per day for adults and 1 scoop per day for children.

Pine Cone Paste (Jam) is antiviral, antimicrobial, antiparasitic and a powerful antioxidant.


What's in it?

Pine Cone, Pine Gum, Turmeric/Curcuma, Ginger, Galangal, Cloves, Piper Cubeba, Beta-Glucan, Zinc Gluconate,  Vitamin D3, Cholecalciferol, Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid, Locust Bean Powder, Andiz Molasses, Locust Bean Molasses, Mint.

How do you use pinecone paste?

It is recommended for children to take 1 scoop per day. For adults 2 scoops per day. Smokers 3 to 4 scoops per day.

Does it help with coughing symptoms?

Yes it is effective in Asthma, bronchitis and cough complaints. Thanks to the alpha-pinene substance in its content, it increases the oxygen absorption capacity of the lungs and the cleaning of tar and toxic fumes.

What are the side effects?

There are no known side effects.

What are the advantages?

It boosts your immunity. You feel fitter as a result. It can be used as an aid in the treatment of respiratory problems.

How long should I use it?

You can feel the effect the first time you use it. It is recommended to consume at least 1 scoop every day

Contains no gluten, no additives, no animal products. Suitable for Vegans. It is a completely organic product.

I have used the product before, I am satisfied, I ordered 2 more, the effect is felt even in the first use, I definitely recommend it, and thank you very much for the gift you sent with it ✨
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santé | Italie  | It  | Italia  | Italian  | italiano | Marmellata di pino | cono di conifere | pasta di pino | pigna | marmellata di pino | Miracolo della pigna | multivitaminico | Supplemento | Vantaggi della pigna | Naturalmente | Antibatterico | Sano | Polen | Pl | Polska | Poland | Polski | Sosna | Stożek | Miód sosnowy | Dżem z szyszek sosnowych | Dżem sosnowy | Szyszka | Witamina | Suplement | Korzyści z szyszki sosnowej | Naturalnie | Przeciwbakteryjny | Zdrowy | Engels | En | England | English | English | Pine | Cone | Pine honey | Pinecone | Pine jam | Conifer cone | Vitamins | supplement | the benefits of pine cone | Naturally | Antibacterial | Healthy | Grieks | Gr | Ελλάδα | Greece | Ελληνικά | Πεύκο | Κώνος | Πευκόμελο | Κουκουνάρι | Μαρμελάδα πεύκου | κουκουνάρι | Βιταμίνη | Συμπλήρωμα | Οφέλη από κουκουνάρι | Φυσικά | Αντιβακτηριδιακό | Υγιής | Belgie | Be | Kroatie | Hr | Hrvatska | Croatian | Hrvatski | Bor | Konus | Borov med | Šišarka za bor | Pekmez od borovice | šišarka | Vitamin | dopuniti | Prednosti češera | Prirodno | Antibakterijski | Zdrav | Finland | Fi | Suomi | Finnish | Suomalainen | Mänty | Kartio | Männyn hunaja | Männynkäpy | Mäntyhillo | mäntyhilloa | vitamiini | täydentää | Käpyn edut | Luonnollisesti | Antibakteerinen | Terve | Zweden | Se | Sverige | Sweden | svenska | Tall | Kon | Tallhonung | Kotte | Tallsylt | Kottesylt | Vitamin | tillägg | Kotte fördelar | Naturligtvis | Antibakteriell | Friska | Denemarken | Dk | Danmark | Danish | dansk | Fyrretræ | Kegle | Fyrrehonning | KoglesyltetøjFyrresyltetøj | grankogle | vitaminer | supplement | Fyrrekogle fordele | Naturligt | antibakteriel | Sund og rask | Bulgarije | Bg | българия | bulgarian | български | Бор | Конус | Боров мед | Шишарка | Борово сладко | шишарка | витамин | добавка | Ползи от борова шишарка | Естествено | Антибактериално | Здрави | Luxemburg | Lu | Lëtzebuerg | Luxemburgs | lëtzebuergesch | Pinien | Kegel | Pinien Hunneg | Pinien Kegel | Pinien Gebeess | Pinecone | Vitamin | Zousaz | Virdeel vun dennenappel | Natierlech | Antibakteriell | Gesond | Turkiye | Tr | Turkiye | Turkey | Turkce | Kozalak | Cam ezmesi | çam kozalağı şurubu | Kozalak receli | Kozalak macunu | Kozalak surubu | Kozalak şurubu | Cam Kozalagi Surubu | çam |kozalağı faydaları | doğal | Antibakteriyel | Sağlıklı |Zühre Ana | zuhre ana  | zuhre ana kozalak | zuhre ana kozalak macunu | kozalak | kozalak macunu | zuhreana propolis | zuhreana stevia | zuhre ana form | form macunu | diabetic macun | diabetici | diabet | vitamine | vitamin c | dennen pasta | pinecone | pinecone paste | Spanje | Es | España | Spain | español | Pino | cono Miel de pino | cono de pino | mermelada de pino | piña | vitamina | suplemento | beneficios de la piña | Naturalmente | antibacteriano | Saludable | Hongarije | Hu | Magyarország | Hungary | Magyar | Fenyő | Kúp | Fenyőméz | Fenyőtoboz | Fenyő lekvár | fenyőtoboz | Vitamin | Kiegészítés | a fenyőtoboz előnyei | Természetesen | Antibakteriális | Egészséges | Slovakije | Slo | Slovensko | Slovakia | slovenský | Borovica | Kužeľ | Borovicový med | borovicová šiška | Borovicový džem | borovicová šiška | Vitamín | Doplnok | Výhody šišky | Prirodzene | Antibakteriálny | Zdravý | Tsjechië | Cz | Česká republika | Czech Republic | čeština | Borovice | Kužel | borovice | Šiška | Borovicová marmeláda | borová šiška | Vitamín | Doplněk | Výhody borové šišky | Přirozeně | Antibakteriální | Zdravý | Roemenie | Ro | România | Romania | Română | Pin | Con | Miere de pin | Con de brad | Dulceata de pin | con de brad | Vitamina | Supliment | Beneficiile conului de pin | Natural | Antibacterian | Sănătos | Duitsland | De | Deutschland | Germany | Deutsch | Kiefer | Kegel Marmelade | Pinienhonig | Tannenzapfen | Pinienmarmelade | Tannenzapfen | Vitamine | Ergänzung | Vorteile des Tannenzapfens | Natürlich | Antibakteriell | Gesund | Nederland | NL | Nederland | Netherlands | Nederlands  | Dennen  | Kegel |  Dennenhoning  | Dennenappel | Dennenjam | Pinecone | Vitamine | Supplement | Voordelen van dennenappel | Natuurlijk | Antibacterie | Gezond | Frankrijk | Fr | France | Français | France | Pin | Cône | Miel de pin | pomme de pin | Confiture de pin | pomme de pin | multivitamine | Supplément | Avantages de la pomme de pin | Bien sûr | Antibactérienne | En bonne santé | Italie  | It  | Italia  | Italian  | italiano | Marmellata di pino | cono di conifere | pasta di pino | pigna | marmellata di pino | Miracolo della pigna | multivitaminico | Supplemento | Vantaggi della pigna | Naturalmente | Antibatterico | Sano | Polen | Pl | Polska | Poland | Polski | Sosna | Stożek | Miód sosnowy | Dżem z szyszek sosnowych | Dżem sosnowy | Szyszka | Witamina | Suplement | Korzyści z szyszki sosnowej | Naturalnie | Przeciwbakteryjny | Zdrowy | Engels | En | England | English | English | Pine | Cone | Pine honey | Pinecone | Pine jam | Conifer cone | Vitamins | supplement | the benefits of pine cone | Naturally | Antibacterial | Healthy | Grieks | Gr | Ελλάδα | Greece | Ελληνικά | Πεύκο | Κώνος | Πευκόμελο | Κουκουνάρι | Μαρμελάδα πεύκου | κουκουνάρι | Βιταμίνη | Συμπλήρωμα | Οφέλη από κουκουνάρι | Φυσικά | Αντιβακτηριδιακό | Υγιής | Belgie | Be | Kroatie | Hr | Hrvatska | Croatian | Hrvatski | Bor | Konus | Borov med | Šišarka za bor | Pekmez od borovice | šišarka | Vitamin | dopuniti | Prednosti češera | Prirodno | Antibakterijski | Zdrav | Finland | Fi | Suomi | Finnish | Suomalainen | Mänty | Kartio | Männyn hunaja | Männynkäpy | Mäntyhillo | mäntyhilloa | vitamiini | täydentää | Käpyn edut | Luonnollisesti | Antibakteerinen | Terve | Zweden | Se | Sverige | Sweden | svenska | Tall | Kon | Tallhonung | Kotte | Tallsylt | Kottesylt | Vitamin | tillägg | Kotte fördelar | Naturligtvis | Antibakteriell | Friska | Denemarken | Dk | Danmark | Danish | dansk | Fyrretræ | Kegle | Fyrrehonning | KoglesyltetøjFyrresyltetøj | grankogle | vitaminer | supplement | Fyrrekogle fordele | Naturligt | antibakteriel | Sund og rask | Bulgarije | Bg | българия | bulgarian | български | Бор | Конус | Боров мед | Шишарка | Борово сладко | шишарка | витамин | добавка | Ползи от борова шишарка | Естествено | Антибактериално | Здрави | Luxemburg | Lu | Lëtzebuerg | Luxemburgs | lëtzebuergesch | Pinien | Kegel | Pinien Hunneg | Pinien Kegel | Pinien Gebeess | Pinecone | Vitamin | Zousaz | Virdeel vun dennenappel | Natierlech | Antibakteriell | Gesond | Turkiye | Tr | Turkiye | Turkey | Turkce | Kozalak | Cam ezmesi | çam kozalağı şurubu | Kozalak receli | Kozalak macunu | Kozalak surubu | Kozalak şurubu | Cam Kozalagi Surubu | çam kozalağı faydaları | doğal | Antibakteriyel | Sağlıklı

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